

dB drag enthusiasts also competed

It's the dB Drag - a popular worldwide competition between car sound system enthusiasts, where everyone tries to prove whose car sound system is more powerful by measuring the sound level in decibels per unit of volume of the car, whether it's enclosed or open.

40 competitors battled for recognition and prizes as the powerful sound systems roared. But what to do for those who find the attraction simply repulsive and the sounds from the powerful systems ear-splitting?

The organisers quickly found a solution. They offered to “hide”, at least temporarily, in a soundproof “Rockwool” garage. The most, 163.05 decibels, was squeezed out by “Extreme Plus” class winner Richard Rings in his “BMW E39”.

Second in the same class and in the overall standings was Anton Vinickij (Renault megane 157.93 db.), and third in both this class and in the overall loudest standings was Gintas Žinevičius (Audi A4 156.72 db.) Karolis Pliauška, the finalist in the Extreme class, was a little quieter in his “Audi A3”, 157.16 db.

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