

Memel Motor Fest

While the 25th Aurum 1006 km powered by Hankook race in Palanga is fiercely contested on the track for the title of the fastest, people can catch a glimpse of the exceptional cars on the Kretinga-Palanga viaduct just next door.

This is where the traditional Memel Motor Fest parade takes place, featuring 79 cars with different histories but the same charm. As event organiser Edmundas Dargis said, there could be more entries, but this is the maximum for the current area.

The first Memel Motor Fest took place nine years ago in Klaipėda.

"We wanted to bring the most beautiful historic cars together in one place, and at that time there was no such event. We decided to take the initiative and it worked from the very first time. By the way, they don't have to be old cars - the most important thing is that they should be eye-catching", recalled E. Dargis.

One of the most impressive exhibits at the moment is a BMW car with the rear end cut off from another BMW, just a station wagon. It serves as a trailer and is still used for its intended purpose.