


Drag Race at "Aurum 1006 km powered by Hankook" will celebrate its 15th years anniversary. We can see many different drag events around the country, but this is a unique drag event because the track can be used just once a year during the "Aurum 1006 km powered by Hankook" racing festival. The organisers have to close two motorways to build the track just for a few days.

The event aims to promote legal Drag races for high-speed cars, develop road traffic safety, and set an example of where and how to race, creating a celebration for both spectators and participants. The Lithuanian Police Force highly supports the event. The Lithuanian Police Department annually establishes the trophies for the winners, which the head of the department, Vytautas Grašys, presents.

Last year the organisers introduced a unique structure for the Drag event. The practices and qualification taking place on a longer 1/4 miles (402 336 metres) track but the finals, everyone can watch on the main but shorter 1/8 miles (201 168 metres) track.

There will be two types of classes this year: Index (their participants are divided according to the finish times recorded at a distance of 1/4 mile - 12.5, 11.5 or 10.9 seconds) and Bracket (at this type of class, the driver guess his time and must finish as close as possible at that time).

The registration for participants will be open from the 24th of May, and then we will see the cars and the drivers who will be competing for the podium. This year, the organisers expect to see Audi RS3, RS7, R8, TTRS, BMW M5, X4, X6, M8 and other no less impressive monsters specially prepared for drag racing in Palanga.

The drag race will take place on the 15th of July in Palanga during the most significant race festival in Lithuania, "Aurum 1006 km powered by Hankook".

Journalists can already apply for accreditation, as the registration for media at "Aurum 1006 km powered by Hankook" started. All media related information: