

Before the Start – Intensive Practice

Nobody can predict who will finish first 316 “auto24ring“ track’s laps in Pärnu, Estonia, on Saturday. But every driver is determined for sure. Thursday training session started with the wet track. Some teams was glad to train on the wet track and others counted minutes for it to get dry. The weather is unsure for Saturday so training on different condition track is only an advantage.

During the first training session - the most laps, 26, drove “Energizer Racing“ and “Gera Dovana – CargoWin.Eu“ teams. Nevertheless, the fastest was “Juta-Bauer Rally Team“ member - Ramūnas Čapkauskas, driving 1 lap in 1 min. 34,600 s. “Skinest Rail“ team – 1 min. 35,780 s. was second fastest and third was “Gera dovana - CargoWin.Eu“ team. 4 teams didn’t participate in training.

And during the second training session the track was already dry, however, the teams still didn’t change tyres and drove with the special ones for the wet track.