

Celebrities‘ Drag Race

The anniversary, 20th, “Aurum 1006km race” always astonishes with the quantity and quality of events. One of it – Lithuanian drag race among celebrities.

On Thursday evening, after practices many celebrities changed their regular clothes into drivers’ costumes and stared in the race #suTV6pramogauk KITAIP.

A chef Gian Luca Demarko, actress Žiedūnė Mardosaitė, former basketball player Dalia Belickaitė, TV person Paulius Morkūnas, “Power Hit Radio“ host Vaidas Leliuga and more have stated that they loved the adrenaline rush they have got.

3 celebrities got it to the finals and the funny thing, they all won. As the score was tight – all 3 won the race D. Belickaitė, V. Leliuga, and P. Morkūnas. The friendship had won!