
Russian drivers are coming back to “ENEOS 1006km race“


Russian drivers are coming back to “ENEOS 1006km race“

“Saburov Racing Team“ is coming back with “Subaru Impreza WRX STI“ car. Vasilijus Saburovas states that the team learned from their last years‘ mistakes and this time improved fuel system and have the more powerful car.

“Our team gathered from a desire to create a car with which we could win “Time Attack Maxpowercars“ race.“ says D. Konstantinovas. Also, all of them think that it is really interesting to race with same tyres. The team will have 55th number and Inga Juškevičiūtė guiding them.

“If someone has ever told me two years ago that some little woman will tell us what to do during the ...

“Saburov Racing Team“ is coming back with “Subaru Impreza WRX STI“ car. Vasilijus Saburovas states that the team learned from their last years‘ mistakes and this time improved fuel system and have the more powerful car.

“Our team gathered from a desire to create a car with which we could win “Time Attack Maxpowercars“ race.“ says D. Konstantinovas. Also, all of them think that it is really interesting to race with same tyres. The team will have 55th number and Inga Juškevičiūtė guiding them.

“If someone has ever told me two years ago that some little woman will tell us what to do during the ...

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New team – Rokiskio GRAND


New team – Rokiskio GRAND

Less that a week is left till “ENEOS 1006km race powered by Hankook“. Everyone can‘t wait for the race and prepararing to do their best. Among those people there is a new team “Rokiškio GRAND“. The team may be new but the members are well-known for the racing world: Giedrius Firantas, Arūnas Lekavičius Karolis Blėdis.

G. Firantas participated in the race back in 2008-2009 and A. Lekavičius with K. Blėdis won in 2015 in the class A2000, they still remember the glorious taste of champagne. However, this year the winners will enjoy milk instead of champagne.

The competition is going to be really...

Less that a week is left till “ENEOS 1006km race powered by Hankook“. Everyone can‘t wait for the race and prepararing to do their best. Among those people there is a new team “Rokiškio GRAND“. The team may be new but the members are well-known for the racing world: Giedrius Firantas, Arūnas Lekavičius Karolis Blėdis.

G. Firantas participated in the race back in 2008-2009 and A. Lekavičius with K. Blėdis won in 2015 in the class A2000, they still remember the glorious taste of champagne. However, this year the winners will enjoy milk instead of champagne.

The competition is going to be really...

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Gera Dovana Drift


Gera Dovana Drift

Drifting in Palanga “ENEOS 1006km race“ made the debut last year. The start was not as good as expected but Linas Ramoška, the race coordinator, promises that this year they prepared better. L. Ramoška made his word to enhance lights, take care of space for the spectators and add few more changes.

As for now, the organizers don‘t say any word on who will participate in the competition, but they promise to gather a lot of drifters from various corners of the world. “Even if I didn‘t organize the event I would totally come to watch. The sitting place is so close that you can see the faces of the...

Drifting in Palanga “ENEOS 1006km race“ made the debut last year. The start was not as good as expected but Linas Ramoška, the race coordinator, promises that this year they prepared better. L. Ramoška made his word to enhance lights, take care of space for the spectators and add few more changes.

As for now, the organizers don‘t say any word on who will participate in the competition, but they promise to gather a lot of drifters from various corners of the world. “Even if I didn‘t organize the event I would totally come to watch. The sitting place is so close that you can see the faces of the...

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Not so little details


Not so little details

This year “ENEOS 1006km race powered by Hankook“ reached the peak: almost 40 teams, 150 sportsmen, 50 various specialists and all these people unite to reach one aim – to win the race. It takes a lot of time and preparation to prove that one is worth winning, sometimes it happens that at the finish line only by one second one driver lost to the other one. The main question arises: what should be done in order to win? What are the main components for winning the race? These questions were asked to 6 times “ENEOS 1006km race“ winner – Jonas Gelžinis.

“Teamwork with coaches, technicians and other...

This year “ENEOS 1006km race powered by Hankook“ reached the peak: almost 40 teams, 150 sportsmen, 50 various specialists and all these people unite to reach one aim – to win the race. It takes a lot of time and preparation to prove that one is worth winning, sometimes it happens that at the finish line only by one second one driver lost to the other one. The main question arises: what should be done in order to win? What are the main components for winning the race? These questions were asked to 6 times “ENEOS 1006km race“ winner – Jonas Gelžinis.

“Teamwork with coaches, technicians and other...

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Catering at ENEOS 1006km powered by Hankook race


Catering at ENEOS 1006km powered by Hankook race

Even after 18 years people know that they don’t have to care about food in Palanga “ENEOS 1006km powered by Hankook“ race. Since the beginning of the race in 2000, “Karolina Park Hotel“ provides the most delicious dishes and drinks for everyone.

This year food and drinks will be served in VIP tent in “Paddock“ zone. There will also be special race money which could be spend on food and drinks during the race weekend. This new money have benefits as people who have them will be served without standing in lines and for the massive event like this it is a huge advantage.

Serving food for that ma...

Even after 18 years people know that they don’t have to care about food in Palanga “ENEOS 1006km powered by Hankook“ race. Since the beginning of the race in 2000, “Karolina Park Hotel“ provides the most delicious dishes and drinks for everyone.

This year food and drinks will be served in VIP tent in “Paddock“ zone. There will also be special race money which could be spend on food and drinks during the race weekend. This new money have benefits as people who have them will be served without standing in lines and for the massive event like this it is a huge advantage.

Serving food for that ma...

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„Miss Racing“ rinkimų finale – 12 žavių ir talentingų merginų


„Miss Racing“ rinkimų finale – 12 žavių ir talentingų merginų

Iki „Eneos 1006 km lenktynių“ likus vos trims savaitėms, pajūryje vis labiau jaučiama didžiausios metų autosporto šventės dvasia.


Penktadienį Klaipėdoje, „Olympic Casino Amberton“, įvyko finalinė „Miss Racing“ rinkimų atranka, per kurią išrinktos 12 merginų. Jos „Eneos 1006 km lenktynių“ metu rungsis dėl svarbiausios lenktynių gražuolės karūnos bei įmonės “Bauer” įsteigto vertingo prizo – rudens atostogų saulėtoje Ispanijoje.


Be to, šių metų „Miss Racing “ nugalėtoja taps ateinančių metų lenktynių veidu.


Pernai konkursą laimėjusi Agnė Kulytė vyko į Zolderio 24 val. lenktynes bei tapo šių m...

Iki „Eneos 1006 km lenktynių“ likus vos trims savaitėms, pajūryje vis labiau jaučiama didžiausios metų autosporto šventės dvasia.


Penktadienį Klaipėdoje, „Olympic Casino Amberton“, įvyko finalinė „Miss Racing“ rinkimų atranka, per kurią išrinktos 12 merginų. Jos „Eneos 1006 km lenktynių“ metu rungsis dėl svarbiausios lenktynių gražuolės karūnos bei įmonės “Bauer” įsteigto vertingo prizo – rudens atostogų saulėtoje Ispanijoje.


Be to, šių metų „Miss Racing “ nugalėtoja taps ateinančių metų lenktynių veidu.


Pernai konkursą laimėjusi Agnė Kulytė vyko į Zolderio 24 val. lenktynes bei tapo šių m...

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„ENEOS 1006 km lenktynėse“ – moderniausia TV aparatūra ir naujas ekspertas


„ENEOS 1006 km lenktynėse“ – moderniausia TV aparatūra ir naujas ekspertas

Liepos 19-22 dienomis vyksiančiose „ENEOS 1006 km lenktynėse“ laukia itin intriguojanti kova. Mat šiemet susirenka kaip niekad daug itin galingą techniką turinčių komandų, o ir sportininkų rikiuotė įspūdinga.


Tačiau negalėsiantys atvykti stebėti lenktynių į Palangą gyvai, irgi neliks nusivylę.


Šiemet „ENEOS 1006 km lenktynes“ ir vėl bus galima stebėti ne tik per TV6 televiziją, bet ir internetu. interneto portale gerbėjai galės matyti vaizdus nuo pat lenktynių atidarymo tiesiogiai transliuojamus net iš penkių TV kamerų. Bus galima pasirinkti ne tik pagrindinį lenktynių vaizdą, bet ir...

Liepos 19-22 dienomis vyksiančiose „ENEOS 1006 km lenktynėse“ laukia itin intriguojanti kova. Mat šiemet susirenka kaip niekad daug itin galingą techniką turinčių komandų, o ir sportininkų rikiuotė įspūdinga.


Tačiau negalėsiantys atvykti stebėti lenktynių į Palangą gyvai, irgi neliks nusivylę.


Šiemet „ENEOS 1006 km lenktynes“ ir vėl bus galima stebėti ne tik per TV6 televiziją, bet ir internetu. interneto portale gerbėjai galės matyti vaizdus nuo pat lenktynių atidarymo tiesiogiai transliuojamus net iš penkių TV kamerų. Bus galima pasirinkti ne tik pagrindinį lenktynių vaizdą, bet ir...

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Lucky number 13


Lucky number 13

“Exit Palanga by Algirdai“ is a well-known team for the “ENEOS 1006 km race powered by Hankook“ fans. Team members: Ramūnas Čapkauskas, Deividas Jocius and Andrius Jasionauskas have been racing in Palanga for some years now. Last year the team won second place and this year they are eager to win. This year “Exit Palanga by Algirdai“ have a new member, he is more like a legend than a newcomer to the race – Saulius Girdauskas. For the past few years, Saulius Girdauskas was involved in politics but always wanted to come back to racing. This year his dream came true. Other team members hope Saul...

“Exit Palanga by Algirdai“ is a well-known team for the “ENEOS 1006 km race powered by Hankook“ fans. Team members: Ramūnas Čapkauskas, Deividas Jocius and Andrius Jasionauskas have been racing in Palanga for some years now. Last year the team won second place and this year they are eager to win. This year “Exit Palanga by Algirdai“ have a new member, he is more like a legend than a newcomer to the race – Saulius Girdauskas. For the past few years, Saulius Girdauskas was involved in politics but always wanted to come back to racing. This year his dream came true. Other team members hope Saul...

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Penktadienį Klaipėdoje paaiškės „Miss Racing“ finalininkės


Penktadienį Klaipėdoje paaiškės „Miss Racing“ finalininkės

„ENEOS 1006 km lenktynės“ jau neįsivaizduojamos be kvapą gniaužiančių greičių ar svylančių padangų kvapo. Taip pat ir be „Miss Racing“ rinkimų, kuriuose varžosi gražiausios ne tik pajūrio merginos.


Pakovoti dėl „Miss Racing “ karūnos išties verta. Liepą konkursą laimėjusi mergina vėl bus tituluojama ateinančių metų lenktynių veidu ir laimės „Bauer“ įmonės įsteigtą prizą – rudens atostogas saulėtoje Ispanijoje.


Konkursas nepastebimai įgavo pagreitį ir jau penktadienio vakarą, birželio 30-ąją, Klaipėdoje „Olympic Casino Amberton“ vyks finalinis atrankinis turas, į kurį pakviestos atrinktos p...

„ENEOS 1006 km lenktynės“ jau neįsivaizduojamos be kvapą gniaužiančių greičių ar svylančių padangų kvapo. Taip pat ir be „Miss Racing“ rinkimų, kuriuose varžosi gražiausios ne tik pajūrio merginos.


Pakovoti dėl „Miss Racing “ karūnos išties verta. Liepą konkursą laimėjusi mergina vėl bus tituluojama ateinančių metų lenktynių veidu ir laimės „Bauer“ įmonės įsteigtą prizą – rudens atostogas saulėtoje Ispanijoje.


Konkursas nepastebimai įgavo pagreitį ir jau penktadienio vakarą, birželio 30-ąją, Klaipėdoje „Olympic Casino Amberton“ vyks finalinis atrankinis turas, į kurį pakviestos atrinktos p...

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What’s new about “ENEOS 1006km powered by Hankook” ?


What’s new about “ENEOS 1006km powered by Hankook” ?

Less than a month is left until “ENEOS 1006km powered by Hankook“ race in Palanga. It is not only the race but also a great celebration for participants, spectators. The weekend 19-22 of July is going to be full of amusing events. A special clothing line is created for the event the second year in a row. All of this was discussed at a press conference on Tuesday.

“Preparation for the race every year is different. We focus on the quality of the event: competent organizers, passioned drivers, enthusiastic spectators“ – started the director of “Promo events“ Darius Jonušis. This year he especiall...

Less than a month is left until “ENEOS 1006km powered by Hankook“ race in Palanga. It is not only the race but also a great celebration for participants, spectators. The weekend 19-22 of July is going to be full of amusing events. A special clothing line is created for the event the second year in a row. All of this was discussed at a press conference on Tuesday.

“Preparation for the race every year is different. We focus on the quality of the event: competent organizers, passioned drivers, enthusiastic spectators“ – started the director of “Promo events“ Darius Jonušis. This year he especiall...

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