
The records of 2008


The records of 2008

The 2008 July 16-19th ninth race of “Omnitel 1003 km race“ everyone remembers for its records. So many, so unique, the ninth race is considered one of the greatest races in 20 years in the history of 100km races.

Record of Participating teams

From the first moments, the organizers were extremely happy as there were a lot of participants. 83 teams from various corners of the world wanted to participate in the ninth race in 2008.

Two Races

First time in the 1000km race history, there had to be 2 races held. The organizers state that when so many teams want to participate you cannot say no. The...

The 2008 July 16-19th ninth race of “Omnitel 1003 km race“ everyone remembers for its records. So many, so unique, the ninth race is considered one of the greatest races in 20 years in the history of 100km races.

Record of Participating teams

From the first moments, the organizers were extremely happy as there were a lot of participants. 83 teams from various corners of the world wanted to participate in the ninth race in 2008.

Two Races

First time in the 1000km race history, there had to be 2 races held. The organizers state that when so many teams want to participate you cannot say no. The...

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Winners out of 4th Try


Winners out of 4th Try

This time we will go back to the 8th race in 2007 when 60 teams have applied to participate in the race.

New Name – New Record

“Omnitel 1003 km race“ – was the name of the race in 2007. It was the year of the huge success, 60 teams have applied to participate in the race not only from the Baltic States but from Finland, Belgium, Germany, Ukraine, and Russia as well.

With great number comes great responsibility, the huge success was the main concern for the organizers as the track had to be modernized and prepared for more sports cars.

There were many people and not only spectators, but 5500 ...

This time we will go back to the 8th race in 2007 when 60 teams have applied to participate in the race.

New Name – New Record

“Omnitel 1003 km race“ – was the name of the race in 2007. It was the year of the huge success, 60 teams have applied to participate in the race not only from the Baltic States but from Finland, Belgium, Germany, Ukraine, and Russia as well.

With great number comes great responsibility, the huge success was the main concern for the organizers as the track had to be modernized and prepared for more sports cars.

There were many people and not only spectators, but 5500 ...

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Iki rekordo pristigo pusantros minutės


Iki rekordo pristigo pusantros minutės

2006-aisiais „Facebook“ iš uždaro JAV universitetų socialinės medios portalo tapo atviras visiems pasaulio vartotojams. Tais pačiais metais ekranuose pasirodė ir viena prieštaringiausių komedijų – „Boratas“, o Britney Spears nusiskuto galvą. Lietuvoje šie metai buvo irgi itin pašėlę. Į Euroviziją išsiuntėme iškilių vyrų desantą, parvežusį garbingą šeštąją vietą ir pralinksminusį Europą savo daina „We are the winners“, o vasarą jau septintą kartą rinkomės į „Horn Grand Prix 1003 km lenktynes“.

Iki rekordo pristigo pusantros minutės

2006-ųjų liepos 26-29 dienomis Palangoje vykusios „Horn Grand P...

2006-aisiais „Facebook“ iš uždaro JAV universitetų socialinės medios portalo tapo atviras visiems pasaulio vartotojams. Tais pačiais metais ekranuose pasirodė ir viena prieštaringiausių komedijų – „Boratas“, o Britney Spears nusiskuto galvą. Lietuvoje šie metai buvo irgi itin pašėlę. Į Euroviziją išsiuntėme iškilių vyrų desantą, parvežusį garbingą šeštąją vietą ir pralinksminusį Europą savo daina „We are the winners“, o vasarą jau septintą kartą rinkomės į „Horn Grand Prix 1003 km lenktynes“.

Iki rekordo pristigo pusantros minutės

2006-ųjų liepos 26-29 dienomis Palangoje vykusios „Horn Grand P...

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Talents of 1000 km Race


Talents of 1000 km Race

Most of the fans of 1000km race in Palanga can tell that the 6th race was really memorable. Not because of the dramatic race but for the nature’s surprises.

When night comes at noon

On July 31st 2005 “Horn Grand Prix 1003 km race“ participants were not afraid of the started rain. However, after a few hours into the race, the skies turned black and the wind has started. Mother Nature played no jokes. The storm was so bad that for safety reasons the race speed was minimised to minimum. One tent got so high in the air that all the people that got hold of it had to jump to the ground.

The bigges...

Most of the fans of 1000km race in Palanga can tell that the 6th race was really memorable. Not because of the dramatic race but for the nature’s surprises.

When night comes at noon

On July 31st 2005 “Horn Grand Prix 1003 km race“ participants were not afraid of the started rain. However, after a few hours into the race, the skies turned black and the wind has started. Mother Nature played no jokes. The storm was so bad that for safety reasons the race speed was minimised to minimum. One tent got so high in the air that all the people that got hold of it had to jump to the ground.

The bigges...

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Only 10 Seconds


Only 10 Seconds

For all of the people 2004 may stand for the “Spirit” landing in Mars, for Lithuanians it is the year when we got into NATO and European Union. For the car sport enthusiasts it is the year, when the 5th “Horn Grand Prix 1003 km race“ took place.

The First Victory of “Audi“

Everyone by now thought that for the 5th time in a row once again “Porshe” will win. However, to everyone’s surprise “Audi RS4“ crossed the finish line the first. Team “Los Patrankos-Printera“ with: Vygandas Simuntis, Vytautas Venskūnas, Linas Karlavičius and Aivaras Pyragius were the winners finishing 335 laps in 9 hours 2...

For all of the people 2004 may stand for the “Spirit” landing in Mars, for Lithuanians it is the year when we got into NATO and European Union. For the car sport enthusiasts it is the year, when the 5th “Horn Grand Prix 1003 km race“ took place.

The First Victory of “Audi“

Everyone by now thought that for the 5th time in a row once again “Porshe” will win. However, to everyone’s surprise “Audi RS4“ crossed the finish line the first. Team “Los Patrankos-Printera“ with: Vygandas Simuntis, Vytautas Venskūnas, Linas Karlavičius and Aivaras Pyragius were the winners finishing 335 laps in 9 hours 2...

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N. Marčėnaitė opened the window to women racing world


N. Marčėnaitė opened the window to women racing world

In 2003 there was the 4th race in Palanga called “Horn Grand Prix 1003 km race“. The race was similar to the one in 2001 as the winners were once again the strongest team with Vytautas Venckūnas and Alfredas Kudla driving “Porsche Carrera GT3“. After this victory, V. Venskūnas was the first Lithuanian sportsman winning 3 times in a row in Palanga race.

Misfortune for the rivals

2003 and 2001 race identical only the end, the scenario was different like black and white.
The rival team “Los Patrankos“ driving “Audi RS4“ was determined to win and the effort was really seen, nevertheless, on 266 ...

In 2003 there was the 4th race in Palanga called “Horn Grand Prix 1003 km race“. The race was similar to the one in 2001 as the winners were once again the strongest team with Vytautas Venckūnas and Alfredas Kudla driving “Porsche Carrera GT3“. After this victory, V. Venskūnas was the first Lithuanian sportsman winning 3 times in a row in Palanga race.

Misfortune for the rivals

2003 and 2001 race identical only the end, the scenario was different like black and white.
The rival team “Los Patrankos“ driving “Audi RS4“ was determined to win and the effort was really seen, nevertheless, on 266 ...

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In 2002 1000km race had a new name "Horn Grand Prix"


In 2002 1000km race had a new name "Horn Grand Prix"

2002 1st of January, Euro officially becomes a currency;

Lithuanian sportsman and sportswoman won 2 gold medals in Sydney;

Lithuanian men basketball team for three times in a row won bronze medals in the same Olympics;

For the third time, the car racing event took place in Palanga.

In 2002 1000km race had a new name "Horn Grand Prix"

Darius Jonušis, the head of "Promo Events" explained that it did not mean that beer was flooding in rivers. Jus business men saw opportunities to invest.

One of the most interesting team was "Le Mano Klubas" driving "Volkswagen Golf". The team name was inspired by...

2002 1st of January, Euro officially becomes a currency;

Lithuanian sportsman and sportswoman won 2 gold medals in Sydney;

Lithuanian men basketball team for three times in a row won bronze medals in the same Olympics;

For the third time, the car racing event took place in Palanga.

In 2002 1000km race had a new name "Horn Grand Prix"

Darius Jonušis, the head of "Promo Events" explained that it did not mean that beer was flooding in rivers. Jus business men saw opportunities to invest.

One of the most interesting team was "Le Mano Klubas" driving "Volkswagen Golf". The team name was inspired by...

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The record reached on the second year of 1000km race stayed for 15 years more


The record reached on the second year of 1000km race stayed for 15 years more

The year 2001:

3 483 972 people are living in Lithuania

The horrific 9/11 act in the US shook the world.

The first “Harry Potter” film was released.

Lithuanian fashion designer Juozas Statkevicius held a fashion show in Paris.

The second 1000km race in Palanga astonished the racing world.

The record reached on the second year of 1000km race stayed for 15 years more

“After the first year’s race, we didn’t have a single thought that next year we will not meet. We knew for sure that the second race is going to happen” states the organizer of the race Darius Jonušis.

The mayor of Palanga, Egidijus...

The year 2001:

3 483 972 people are living in Lithuania

The horrific 9/11 act in the US shook the world.

The first “Harry Potter” film was released.

Lithuanian fashion designer Juozas Statkevicius held a fashion show in Paris.

The second 1000km race in Palanga astonished the racing world.

The record reached on the second year of 1000km race stayed for 15 years more

“After the first year’s race, we didn’t have a single thought that next year we will not meet. We knew for sure that the second race is going to happen” states the organizer of the race Darius Jonušis.

The mayor of Palanga, Egidijus...

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After the First Race Tears of Darius Jonušis


After the First Race Tears of Darius Jonušis

The year 2000. The very beginning of the new century was memorable. Back then Lithuania had 3,5 million inhabitants and celebrated 10 years of independence. There was the only 16 storage “skyscraper” in Vilnius, the average wage 200 Euros. Lithuanian basketball players almost won against USA full of NBA players. In the year 2000, Michael Schumacher after 21 years finally won a championship for Ferrari. The first 1000km race was also held the same year.

The organizer, Darius Jonušis to this day remembers the silence after the first race. It was on the 19th of August, 2000. Tears of joy streame...

The year 2000. The very beginning of the new century was memorable. Back then Lithuania had 3,5 million inhabitants and celebrated 10 years of independence. There was the only 16 storage “skyscraper” in Vilnius, the average wage 200 Euros. Lithuanian basketball players almost won against USA full of NBA players. In the year 2000, Michael Schumacher after 21 years finally won a championship for Ferrari. The first 1000km race was also held the same year.

The organizer, Darius Jonušis to this day remembers the silence after the first race. It was on the 19th of August, 2000. Tears of joy streame...

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Jubiliejinės, 20-tosios „Aurum 1006 km lenktynės“ – liepos 17-20 d.


Jubiliejinės, 20-tosios „Aurum 1006 km lenktynės“ – liepos 17-20 d.

Šiemet kaip niekad anksti patvirtinta kitais metais vyksiančio didžiausio automobilių lenktynių festivalio Baltijos šalyse – jubiliejinių, 20-ųjų „Aurum 1006 km lenktynių“ – data.

Jos tradiciškai bus surengtos didžiausiame šalies vasaros kurorte Palangoje 2019 metų liepos 17-20 dienomis. Būtent čia jos debiutavo 2000-aisiais ir per visą savo gyvavimo laikotarpį nė karto nebuvo pakeitusios lokacijos.

„Apie jubiliejines, 20-ąsias ilgų nuotolių lenktynes pradėjome galvoti nepraėjus nė mėnesiui po šiemet pasibaigusio 1006 km maratono, - sako jų pagrindinis organizatorius, VšĮ „Promo events“ direk...

Šiemet kaip niekad anksti patvirtinta kitais metais vyksiančio didžiausio automobilių lenktynių festivalio Baltijos šalyse – jubiliejinių, 20-ųjų „Aurum 1006 km lenktynių“ – data.

Jos tradiciškai bus surengtos didžiausiame šalies vasaros kurorte Palangoje 2019 metų liepos 17-20 dienomis. Būtent čia jos debiutavo 2000-aisiais ir per visą savo gyvavimo laikotarpį nė karto nebuvo pakeitusios lokacijos.

„Apie jubiliejines, 20-ąsias ilgų nuotolių lenktynes pradėjome galvoti nepraėjus nė mėnesiui po šiemet pasibaigusio 1006 km maratono, - sako jų pagrindinis organizatorius, VšĮ „Promo events“ direk...

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