
Mechanics Run


Mechanics Run

It became a tradition to have “ENEOS 1006km race“ mechanics run. “Promo events“ director Darius Jonušis says that is the only opportunity for all the teams mechanics to have fun and drag them out of the garages. It is 1000 thousand times shorter distance than the drivers will have to drive.

On this beautiful Friday afternoon the running won “ Dynami:t Energy“ team’s mechanic – Rokas Sviderskis, second came “Exit Palanga by Algirdai“ driver/mechanic Ignas Gelžinis and third was “Skubos Racing Team“ mechanic Justas Chadasevičius.

Like every other winners of this year’s race, these respected men...

It became a tradition to have “ENEOS 1006km race“ mechanics run. “Promo events“ director Darius Jonušis says that is the only opportunity for all the teams mechanics to have fun and drag them out of the garages. It is 1000 thousand times shorter distance than the drivers will have to drive.

On this beautiful Friday afternoon the running won “ Dynami:t Energy“ team’s mechanic – Rokas Sviderskis, second came “Exit Palanga by Algirdai“ driver/mechanic Ignas Gelžinis and third was “Skubos Racing Team“ mechanic Justas Chadasevičius.

Like every other winners of this year’s race, these respected men...

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The Last Training Before It Gets Real


The Last Training Before It Gets Real

On“ENEOS 1006km race powered by Hankook“ track people can see a lot of drivers since early Friday morning. They are all preparing for the big race but first today 16:40 qualifications will start. Linas Ramoška,“Gera dovama Drift“ coordinator, is really interested in all the drivers and especially their cars: BMW e30, BMW 325 and many more.

The training teams were separated into two big groups.“Exit Palanga by Algirdai“ heated up the track and the fastest they got were 1min 12,726s for one round. The second were“Qvick-VR Racing“. In the second training group the leaders were“Team Hot Wheels“,“

On“ENEOS 1006km race powered by Hankook“ track people can see a lot of drivers since early Friday morning. They are all preparing for the big race but first today 16:40 qualifications will start. Linas Ramoška,“Gera dovama Drift“ coordinator, is really interested in all the drivers and especially their cars: BMW e30, BMW 325 and many more.

The training teams were separated into two big groups.“Exit Palanga by Algirdai“ heated up the track and the fastest they got were 1min 12,726s for one round. The second were“Qvick-VR Racing“. In the second training group the leaders were“Team Hot Wheels“,“

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Milk for the Drag Winners


Milk for the Drag Winners

Yesterday late afternoon there were drag race.“ENEOS 1006km race powered by Hankook“ drivers competed in finishing 201,6m. track. Men and women tried their strength in various categories. In group A, which means the less upgraded cars, won Saulius Petrauskis with “Audi 80“, B group had cars with more than 200HP, however not a lot of contestants participated and Mindaugas Kasparaitis won with “Mitsubishi Lancer EVO 8“. Group C was with an amazing adrenaline rush as group’s favourites did some mistakes that caused losing and Donatas Abromaitis with “Audi S4“ won. The competition between two Audi...

Yesterday late afternoon there were drag race.“ENEOS 1006km race powered by Hankook“ drivers competed in finishing 201,6m. track. Men and women tried their strength in various categories. In group A, which means the less upgraded cars, won Saulius Petrauskis with “Audi 80“, B group had cars with more than 200HP, however not a lot of contestants participated and Mindaugas Kasparaitis won with “Mitsubishi Lancer EVO 8“. Group C was with an amazing adrenaline rush as group’s favourites did some mistakes that caused losing and Donatas Abromaitis with “Audi S4“ won. The competition between two Audi...

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Everyone can try out “Hankook Juta Slalom


Everyone can try out “Hankook Juta Slalom

For 2 years now there is a chance for spectators to participate in slalom contest. Various people want to try it out, it may seem easier than it actually is, however, it is still fun. “Hankook Juta slalom” participants can compete with any car, there are 3 categories for that and for as many times as they want. Slalom will start on Friday, 21st, from 09:00 till 17:00 and the same time on Saturday, 22nd. First time in “ENEOS 1006km race powered by Hankook” the professionals will also compete in the separate category, it will begin on Friday from 17:00 till possibly 22:00. All the winners will...

For 2 years now there is a chance for spectators to participate in slalom contest. Various people want to try it out, it may seem easier than it actually is, however, it is still fun. “Hankook Juta slalom” participants can compete with any car, there are 3 categories for that and for as many times as they want. Slalom will start on Friday, 21st, from 09:00 till 17:00 and the same time on Saturday, 22nd. First time in “ENEOS 1006km race powered by Hankook” the professionals will also compete in the separate category, it will begin on Friday from 17:00 till possibly 22:00. All the winners will...

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„ENEOS 1006 km lenktynių“ karuselė jau sukasi


„ENEOS 1006 km lenktynių“ karuselė jau sukasi

Ir sportininkams, ir žiūrovams ilgi laukimo metai jau baigėsi. Ketvirtadienį, liepos 20-ąją, Palangos Vytauto gatvėje, kaip sako poilsiautojai, saulei ritinėjantis žeme, aštuonioliktosios, didžiausios Baltijos šalyse „ENEOS 1006 km lenktynės“, paskelbtos atidarytomis.

Jų tvarkaraštyje esančių daugybės renginių karuselę pradėjo sukti irgi tradicinės, trumpos, tačiau labai dinamiškos, azarto niekad nestokojančios „Dynami:t Super sprint“ lenktynės.

Iki jų starto likus dar kelioms valandoms maratoninių lenktynių gerbėjai margaspalviame sportininkų parade ieškojo ne tik pažįstamų veidų, bet ir smai...

Ir sportininkams, ir žiūrovams ilgi laukimo metai jau baigėsi. Ketvirtadienį, liepos 20-ąją, Palangos Vytauto gatvėje, kaip sako poilsiautojai, saulei ritinėjantis žeme, aštuonioliktosios, didžiausios Baltijos šalyse „ENEOS 1006 km lenktynės“, paskelbtos atidarytomis.

Jų tvarkaraštyje esančių daugybės renginių karuselę pradėjo sukti irgi tradicinės, trumpos, tačiau labai dinamiškos, azarto niekad nestokojančios „Dynami:t Super sprint“ lenktynės.

Iki jų starto likus dar kelioms valandoms maratoninių lenktynių gerbėjai margaspalviame sportininkų parade ieškojo ne tik pažįstamų veidų, bet ir smai...

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Aštuonioliktąjį automobilių maratoną pradės 41 komanda


Aštuonioliktąjį automobilių maratoną pradės 41 komanda

Šiandien Palangoje dirbančios „ENEOS 1006 km lenktynių“ administracinė ir techninė komisijos suteikė galimybę šeštadienį didžiausias Baltijos šalyse, bendrovės „Promo events“ jau aštuonioliktąjį kartą rengiamas maratonines lenktynes pradėti 41 komandai.

Varžybų vyriausiasis techninis komisaras Raul Koov iš Estijos ir jo pagalbininkai buvo reiklūs, tačiau neturėjo didelių priekaištų ekipų parengčiai prieš atsakingą egzaminą ir visų iš anksto užsiregistravusių komandų vadovus pakvietė prie „ENEOS 1006 km lenktynių“ starto linijos užimti savo vietas.

Iš kokių pozicijų startuos kiekviena komanda, ...

Šiandien Palangoje dirbančios „ENEOS 1006 km lenktynių“ administracinė ir techninė komisijos suteikė galimybę šeštadienį didžiausias Baltijos šalyse, bendrovės „Promo events“ jau aštuonioliktąjį kartą rengiamas maratonines lenktynes pradėti 41 komandai.

Varžybų vyriausiasis techninis komisaras Raul Koov iš Estijos ir jo pagalbininkai buvo reiklūs, tačiau neturėjo didelių priekaištų ekipų parengčiai prieš atsakingą egzaminą ir visų iš anksto užsiregistravusių komandų vadovus pakvietė prie „ENEOS 1006 km lenktynių“ starto linijos užimti savo vietas.

Iš kokių pozicijų startuos kiekviena komanda, ...

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Jaguar Stars on ENEOS 1006km Race


Jaguar Stars on ENEOS 1006km Race

The hours could be counted until the start of “ENEOS 1006km race powered by Hankook“ and there are 2 Jaguar cars driving on the race track. No, it doesn’t mean that they will also race but they will have the most important functions. As all the racing events are all about the safety and making sure that everything is prepared and there is no danger, one Jaguar will be “Rescue car“ and the other “Safety car“.

Rescue car – “Jaguar F-Pace“, is the car which shows up on the track only if there‘s some problem. For example, when the car goes out of the track and needs to be dragged back, rescue car...

The hours could be counted until the start of “ENEOS 1006km race powered by Hankook“ and there are 2 Jaguar cars driving on the race track. No, it doesn’t mean that they will also race but they will have the most important functions. As all the racing events are all about the safety and making sure that everything is prepared and there is no danger, one Jaguar will be “Rescue car“ and the other “Safety car“.

Rescue car – “Jaguar F-Pace“, is the car which shows up on the track only if there‘s some problem. For example, when the car goes out of the track and needs to be dragged back, rescue car...

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Performances in “ENEOS 1006km race“


Performances in “ENEOS 1006km race“

Just in a few days all the spectators, drivers, press and fans will gather in Palanga to watch the amazing event. However, these days aren’t going to be only about cars, racing, even those who aren’t fascinated by cars will have an opportunity to be a part of various different amusements.

Apart from all the adrenaline of the races and competition among drivers, “ENEOS 1006km race“ is also about “Miss racing“ competition, performances of artists, discussions in VIP zone and many more activities.

Each year the race has different anthem, this year it was created by Iron Vytas and Ingrida Kazlausk...

Just in a few days all the spectators, drivers, press and fans will gather in Palanga to watch the amazing event. However, these days aren’t going to be only about cars, racing, even those who aren’t fascinated by cars will have an opportunity to be a part of various different amusements.

Apart from all the adrenaline of the races and competition among drivers, “ENEOS 1006km race“ is also about “Miss racing“ competition, performances of artists, discussions in VIP zone and many more activities.

Each year the race has different anthem, this year it was created by Iron Vytas and Ingrida Kazlausk...

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The “ENEOS 1006 km powered by Hankook” Racing City On Wednesday


The “ENEOS 1006 km powered by Hankook” Racing City On Wednesday

“ENEOS 1006km race powered by Hankook“ will be 18th race, all the knowledge and experience gathered throughout the years helps to improve the quality of the event every time. Martynas Tankevičius, representative of “Promo events“, is happy to see all the changes making the race more comfortable and safe for the participants and spectators.

For “GERA DOVANA Drift“ lighting will be installed, making it more comfortable for the drifters, all the spectators will sit near the track and see the event clearer, those, who still can‘t see, will be able to watch everything through LED screens.

The sam...

“ENEOS 1006km race powered by Hankook“ will be 18th race, all the knowledge and experience gathered throughout the years helps to improve the quality of the event every time. Martynas Tankevičius, representative of “Promo events“, is happy to see all the changes making the race more comfortable and safe for the participants and spectators.

For “GERA DOVANA Drift“ lighting will be installed, making it more comfortable for the drifters, all the spectators will sit near the track and see the event clearer, those, who still can‘t see, will be able to watch everything through LED screens.

The sam...

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A True Joy for Autosolo Fans


A True Joy for Autosolo Fans

Two years back slalom challenge has started in “ENEOS 1006km powered by Hankook” race. Darius Jonušis says that event on its first year drew attention of a lot of people and they wanted to keep it going year after year and improve.

On July 20th, 13:00 the battle will start among “Hankook Juta slalom“ contestants. The amateurs will be divided into 3 categories depending on what type of car do they drive: front-wheel drive, rear-wheel drive and all four wheel drive. Women will have their own category.

Slalom competition will be one of the longest in “ENEOS 1006km race powered by Hankook“ even...

Two years back slalom challenge has started in “ENEOS 1006km powered by Hankook” race. Darius Jonušis says that event on its first year drew attention of a lot of people and they wanted to keep it going year after year and improve.

On July 20th, 13:00 the battle will start among “Hankook Juta slalom“ contestants. The amateurs will be divided into 3 categories depending on what type of car do they drive: front-wheel drive, rear-wheel drive and all four wheel drive. Women will have their own category.

Slalom competition will be one of the longest in “ENEOS 1006km race powered by Hankook“ even...

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